Welcome to Monsters, Incorporated
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When Tylor Tuskmon arrives at Monsters, Incorporated to begin his dream job as a Scarer, he discovers that scaring is out and laughter is in. As a result he is temporarily reassigned to MIFT, the Monsters, Incorporated Facilities Team.

Welcome to Monsters, Incorporated

Tylor Tuskmon graduates from Monsters University School of Scaring at the top of his class, eager to begin his career as a Scarer at Monsters, Inc. Unfortunately, his first day of work is the same day the factory switches from scare power to laugh power – they no longer need Scarers, they need Jokesters! And Mike and Sulley, who are now in charge, have a problem: how do they make all these scary monsters funny? While they figure this out, all the Scarers are temporarily reassigned to other jobs, including a frustrated Tylor… who is assigned to an offbeat crew known as MIFT, the Monsters, Inc. Facilities Team. MIFT is the team of monsters behind the monsters, the crew that keeps Monsters, Incorporated running.

Release date:2021
Starring:Billy CrystalJohn GoodmanBen FeldmanMindy KalingHenry WinklerLucas Neff