Tiny Beautiful Things
Tiny Beautiful Things
20231 season

Based on Cheryl Strayed's best-selling collection, Tiny Beautiful Things is about a woman whose marriage is on its last leg; whose daughter barely talks to her; and whose writing career is non-existent. So when a friend suggests taking over an advice column, Clare thinks she’s the last person for the job...when she may be completely qualified.

Tiny Beautiful Things

Based on the best-selling collection by Cheryl Strayed, Tiny Beautiful Things is about a woman — Clare (Kathryn Hahn) — who becomes a revered advice columnist when her own life is falling apart. When we first meet Clare, her marriage to her husband Danny is on its last leg. Her daughter, Rae, will barely talk to her. And her once-promising writing career is non-existent. So when an old writing friend suggests she take over as the advice columnist Dear Sugar, she thinks she’s the last person for the job. But after reluctantly agreeing, she realizes that she might just be completely qualified.

As the letter writers force Clare to revisit her most pivotal moments — the death of her mother, the fallout with her brother, even some awful sex in the back office of a funeral home — she excavates the beauty, struggle and humor in her own life to show us that we are not beyond rescue, that it’s our stories that can ultimately save us...and maybe even bring us back home.

Release date:2023
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