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Pop Goes the Vet with Dr. Joya
Pop Goes the Vet with Dr. Joya
13+Audio DescriptionsClosed Captions
20221 Sezon
TıpRealityBelgesel SerisiHayvanlar ve Doğa

Pus, gunk, goo, vet dermatologist Dr. Joya sees it all—the grosser the better! From impacted earwax to oozing cysts, no case is too mysterious or bizarre.

Pop Goes the Vet with Dr. Joya

Pus, gunk & goo! Dermatologist Dr. Joya & her protégé Dr. Jeff see it all—and the grosser the better! From impacted earwax to oozing cysts to massive hair loss, there’s no case too mysterious or bizarre for this Kentucky-based team. They put on their detective hats & investigate the largest organ in an animal’s body—the skin—to get our four-legged friends back to living their best lives.

Süre:44 dk
Yayın Tarihi:2022
Tür:TıpRealityBelgesel SerisiHayvanlar ve Doğa
Dizinin Yetişkinlik Düzeyi:13+Şiddet / Korku
1. Sezonun Yetişkinlik Düzeyi:13+Şiddet / Korku

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